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Monday, 7 October 2013

WordPress Attack Underway: Upgrade WordPress to Stay Protected

Lorelle on WordPress has confirmed a warning about fierce attacks on previous version of blogging software by creating a new "hidden" administrator account and invade up to the database level. Therefore, it seems to be highly obligatory to upgrade WordPress to the latest version to avoid ongoing attack. The number of websites being attacked are on the way of growing and add a healthy count every hour.

Therefore, all users are hereby suggested to upgrade the recent version of WordPress. For those who have already affected can seek help from the WordPress community.
Even though, they are advised to export their entire blogs and contents with inbuilt XML WordPress export. Later, re-install the WordPress and import the content followed by complete uninstallation. As this invasion is likely to go all around the database, thus exporting of content may also lead to export of hacked code.

Basically, following two are the tracing elements that affirms a WordPress website has been attacked.

Inclusion of unrecognized additions with the permalinks, like$%7Beval(base64_decode($_SERVER%5BHTTP_REFERER%5D))%7D%7D|.+)&%/. 

The keywords are “eval” and “base64_decode.”

Another is "back door" that is created by a "hidden" administrator. In context to confirm it, check the index of site users for "Administrator (2)" or an unrecognized user. There will be more probability of 'access denied' for that account.

How to Get Protected Yourself

One of the common practice to attack on WordPress is recognized as to hammer the wp-login.php file repeatedly until they invade the server or it dies. Following are some effective clues that assists users to stay protected.

Avoid use of 'admin' username

In the case, you are accessing the account with this user name, either change 'admin' to a subscriber or delete it completely followed by creating a new account and transferring all posts to this place.

Strong Passwords

While choosing a password, it would be good practice to avoid below listed things
  • A short password
  • Any specific word, phrase, etc. in any language
  • Using only numeric or alphabetic password (Blend of both is best password syntax)
  • Employment of your own name, company name, username or website name in any form
In order to create a set of strong passwords, it is recommended to use the Enforce Strong Password

Use WordPress Plug-ins

Carrying plug-ins, into practice is the best alternative to put obstacles in the way of hackers. On account of this, you can block people to access wp-admin and limit the number of login attempts.

Protect Your Server

You are supposed to locate and get a 404 or 401 error while accessing the wp-login.php or wp-admin.

Protect wp-login.php with Password

Password protected wp-admin can invade any plug-in, which uses ajax on the front end, so protecting wp-login is generally sufficient. Thus, protecting wp-login.php file with the password will definitely add an extra lock to the server.

Limited Accessibility of wp-admin by IP

If you are single to access your admin area and acquainted of IP address, then you can block wp-admin accessibility for everyone except yourself through an .htaccess file. However, if your WordPress site is still not attacked, then upgrade WordPress person prior to do anything else and follow above mentioned tips to avoid attack.

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